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Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. It can lead to increased risk of fracture. The most common fractures are associated with the hip, spine, wrist, and shoulder. This condition is usually diagnosed via a bone density test. All men and women over age 65 should be tested. In other age groups testing is advised when there is increased risk of fracture due to comorbid challenges. CAROC is the most widely used tool to assess risk of fracture. FRAX is also used but is more involved and less widely accessible.
Osteoporosis Canada:
This site offers information about what osteoporosis is, along with risk factors, information on diagnosis, links to patient networks and practical resources such as a podcast, and webinars. It is a one stop shop for information, education, and connection.
Too Fit to Fracture: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
This booklet provides detailed information on the type of exercises that are important for someone with Osteoporosis to engage in and why they are important. It also offers strategies to support consistency with regard to the exercise.
Bone Fit:
This side offers information about Bone Fit – a specific evidenced based exercise training program for osteoporosis along with a map and “finder” to find where providers in a specific geographical area. Practioners who offer the Bone Fit program align with the strategies and exercises suggested in Too Fit to Fracture.
Government of Canada: Osteoporosis
This webpage offers information on what osteoporosis is, risk factors, and ways to assess risk factors. It further shares ways to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, and how to live with it.
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